Get the treatment that is right for you!
Clients come in with a wide variety of symptoms and each client has a history that is unique -- meaning no two clients are exactly alike. At BWB, we meet each client with an open mind and no preconceived notion about each client needing some large, predetermined number of treatments! At BWB we use an initial evaluation to help determine what treatment options will best meet the needs and goals of this individual client. For someone who presents with blood pressure problems, it may be that just a few sessions of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) training will be all they require. For someone who comes in with severe headaches, a combination of EEG Biofeedback and sEMG (Muscle Biofeedback) may be in order. Whatever the presenting problems, our clinicians will work with the client to determine what is the best treatment approach to achieve the desired results. There are no contracts or long term commitments. Each client will be given a treatment plan that is personalized just for them. To accomplish this, we integrate the BWB treatment plan with any ongoing treatment with other healthcare providers. We also have an extensive network of other healthcare professionals that we can refer to when needed.
Therapy Modalities Offered

sEMG (Muscle Biofeedback)
Learn how to reduce your pain, including headaches and migraines.

Neurofeedback (Brainwave Training
Teach your brain to function at its best!

Physiological Biofeedback (Autonomic Nervous System & HRV
Control how your body reacts to stress to improve sleep, control blood pressure and reduce anxiety.

EEG Biofeedback (Flexyx Neurotherapy System)
Reset your brain for optimal performance!