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Peer-Reviewed Research and Publications: |
"Neurotherapy of attention deficit/hyperactivity symptoms [Summary]." Esty ML and Nelson D. The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 22:14,2011. Poster presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the American Neuropsychiatric Association, Denver,CO, March 2011. | |||||
"Neurotherapy of TBI/PTSD in OEF/OIF Veterans." Esty ML and Nelson D. The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 21:221-223, 2009. | |||||
"Neurotherapy for Chronic TBI/PTSD Symptoms in Vietnam Veterans." Nelson, D and Esty, ML. The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, (24)5, 403, 2009. | |||||
"Neurotherapy for pain in veterans with trauma spectrum disorders." Nelson, D and Esty, ML. The Journal of Pain, 10:S18, 2009. | |||||
"Flexyx Neurotherapy System in the Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury: An Initial Evaluation." Schoenberger, N., Shiflett, S., Esty, M.L. et al. The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. Vol.16, # 3. pp. 260 - 274. June , 2001. The 2001 NIH-funded wait-list controlled pilot study of FNS treatment for TBI, documented significant positive change over 25 half-hour treatments, and at 3-month follow up. Dr. Mary Lee Esty conducted this study at the Neurotherapy Center of Washington (NCW) in cooperation with the Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Corporation, West Orange, NJ. (Schoenberger et al., 2001) The results demonstrated that FNS is “a promising new treatment for TBI.” Twelve participants were selected on the basis of having no expectation of any substantial improvement in functioning, either from the passage of time or further rehabilitation. Nine were classified as mild TBI and three as moderate TBI. The range of LOC was from 1 minute to 27 days, with TBI events occurring between three and 21 years pre-treatment. Inpatient and outpatient rehabilitations had been completed. Quality of life, social, and economic benefits of FNS treatment were evident in that several returned to work at their pre-trauma level of functioning, six with full-time jobs, and the seventh in a university administrative post with a reduced load.
"Treatment of Fibromyalgia Syndrome using Low-Intensity Neurofeedback with the Flexyx Neurotherapy System: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial." Kravitz, H.M., Esty, M.L., Katz, R.S. & Fawcett, J. The Journal of Neurotherapy. Vol.10, #2/3. pp. 41 - 58. 2006. |
"Reflections on FMS Treatment, Research, and Neurotherapy: Cautionary Tales." Esty, M.L. The Journal of Neurotherapy. Vol.10, #2/3. pp. 63 - 68. 2006. |
"Treatment of Fibromyalgia Incorporating EEG-Driven Stimulation: A Clinical Outcomes Study". Mueller, H., Donaldson, C.S., Nelson, D., Layman, M. Journal of Clinical Psychology, Vol. 57(7). 933-952. (2001). | |||||
"Fibromyalgia. A Retrospective Study of 252 Consecutive Referrals." Donaldson, C.S., Sella, G., Mueller, H. Canadian Journal of Clinical Medicine. Vol 5, #6. June, 1998. | |||||
Articles and Publications: | |||||
"Treatment Results for Mild/Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury Using EEG Data Provides Quantitative Information with Predictive Value for Rehabilitation Outcomes and Treatment Planning". Esty, M.L. (2002). Premier Outlook, Vol. 3(4), 56-58. | |||||
"The walking wounded of head injury: When subtle deficits can be disabling." Lezak, M., 1988. Trends in Rehabilitation, Vol. III, #3. | |||||
"Case Study: Improved Breathing Regulation Using Biofeeback". Gilbert, G. (2008). Biofeedback Vol. 36(2), 64-66. | |||||
The National Fibromyalgia Partnership web site is- - The two articles are "EEG-Driven Stimulation. Hitting the "Reset Button" in Fibromyalgia Patients." In the July/August 1998 issue. In the Sept/Oct, 1999 issue - "CNS Myalgia" A New Paradigm for Fibromyalgia. | |||||
"The Neural Plasticity Model of Fibromyalgia. Theory, Assessment, & Treatment". Donaldson, C.S., Sella, G., Mueller, H. Practical Pain Management Part one May/June 2001. | |||||
"The Neural Plasticity Model of Fibromyalgia. Theory, Assessment, & Treatment". Donaldson, C.S., Sella, G., Mueller, H. Practical Pain Management Part two, July/Aug, 2001, | |||||
"The Neural Plasticity Model of Fibromyalgia. Theory, Assessment, & Treatment". Donaldson, C.S., Sella, G., Mueller, H. Practical Pain Management. Part three, Sept/Oct, 2001. | |||||
"Fibromyalgia & Chronic Myofascial Pain. 2nd Ed., 2001 Devin Starlanyl & Mary Ellen Copeland. New Harbinger Publications, Inc. Section on EEG Neurotherapy pp. 178-179. | |||||
In the National Women's Health Network "The Network News" Fibromyalgia: The Search for Identity by Mary Lee Esty and Tamara Liller. May/June 2001. |
The effectiveness of FNS feedback for Fibromyalgia is supported in the conclusions of an unpublished doctoral dissertation: Marcus, L., 2001 "EEG Amplitude and Variability Changes Following Low-Intensity Neurofeedback-Based Stimulation for Fibromyalgia", (Western Graduate School of Psychology, Palo Alto, CA). | |||||
The Dana Foundation included coverage of FNS neurofeedback feedback for mild & moderate traumatic brain injury in a National Public Television series, Stress, Trauma & the Brain. The videotape can be ordered at 1-800-257-5126. | |||||
Other Publications:
Cymbalta, Friend or Foe?
Listen to Your Heart Rate
Restoring Optimal Brain Function Helps Many Health Problems
Neurotherapeutic Treatment of Fibromyalgia Using EEG-Based neurofeedback Washingtonian Magazine Practical Horseman Heads Up! Business Week |
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Great Books: | |||||
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Conquering Concussion: Healing TBI Symptoms with Neurofeedback and without Drugs Been diagnosed with a concussion or brain injury (or know someone who has) and are looking forward to feeling and functioning better? This book is for you. . Visit the book website for more information |
The Neurofeedback Solution Provides easy-to-understand explanations of different neurofeedback methods--from the LENS technique to Z-score training. Visit Stephen Larsen's website for more information |
Migraine Brains and Bodies A comprehensive guide to solving the mystery of your migraines by C M Shifflet Published by Round Earth Publishing Company. |
Symphony In The Brain If you want to learn about EEG Biofeedback, read it. If you DO it, read it and learn incredible details on the history of the field. Visit Jim Robbins' Website for book excerpts |